Centenary Park Easter Event

Come and celebrate Easter at Centenary Park Golf Course these school holidays.

The Easter Bunny has been busy hiding Easter Eggs at Centenary Park for the whole family to enjoy! Join us for a family-friendly Easter morning of Easter egg hunts, face painting and lots of games and fun activities!

WHEN: Thursday 14th April
TIME: 10am-1pm
WHAT: Not one but two Easter Egg Hunts! Easter Egg Hunt @ 10.30am & 11.30am
Face painting by Faery Emma
Golf games, putting competitions and lots of other fun activities!
COST: $5 per child
Easter Egg Hunt Face Painting Golf games

Get the kids off their screens and having fun outside. Cafe on site for extra snacks and a coffee hit for Mum & Dad! Make a day of it and stay for lunch or hit the driving range to smash some balls afterwards!

Hop to it and get your tickets today!


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